A blank page is both a challenge and invitation.

Blank Page is a podcast & a blog. Both? Yes, both. It includes original articles that I present as podcast episodes, and guest articles written by diverse people that I interview for the podcast. You can read the article, listen to the article and the interviews about the article, read the article first and then listen to the interview, or any other combination that makes sense for you. It’s a blank page; make what you want out of it.

Topics Include: Faith & Religion, Nonprofits & Fundraising, Fiction & Original Stories, Creative Writing & Storytelling, Neurodiversity & Life with Autism

Navigating Family Gatherings When Politics Clash with Jesse Schroeder

Navigating family gatherings during politically charged times can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. In my latest blog post, I share lessons learned from a recent trip to visit family after the election, along with practical tips for fostering understanding and maintaining healthy boundaries. For a deeper dive into the topic, listen to my conversation with Licensed Social Worker Jesse Schroeder, where we discuss how to navigate these situations with compassion and care. You can read the full article and tune into our conversation below.

Navigating Family Gatherings When Politics Clash

My wife and I had planned a weekend trip to visit my parents in early November, just after her birthday. We looked forward to the time away and always enjoyed hanging out with my family. Then, the election happened. It's common knowledge—in that we've talked about this openly—that we tend to vote differently from my family. We were grieving, unsure if we had the energy to be around loved ones who might be ready to throw a celebration.

Before we left, we decided to be upfront and honest. We sent a few texts, sharing our grief, acknowledging that they might feel differently, and honestly asking them if the environment would be focused on the election. We tried to approach it with curiosity—all we wanted to do was gauge the tone before we arrived.

As it turned out, my family was incredibly understanding and respected our feelings. We went and had a wonderful time—everyone was respectful, and our concerns were met with compassion. It was a best-case scenario, a real testament to my family, and perhaps not the norm. But that weekend reminded us how meaningful it can be when family meets us where we are, even in our differences.

Navigating family relationships can be challenging, especially when politics come into play. In the advice below, I've shared some principles that might help create more understanding and healthy dialogue in times of tension, particularly around political differences. However, these suggestions might not work in every situation. They might only work with a foundation of emotional intelligence and mutual respect. Had I tried having this conversation years ago with my family, before we'd learned to discuss our differences in a healthy way, I'm confident it wouldn't have gone as well. All that to say, every family, situation, and need is unique. 

Family dynamics are complex for many, and coming together can stir up deep-seated roles and patterns. Sometimes, we fall into familiar routines or mindsets from childhood—even as adults. Sometimes, family members may not be ready or willing to have open conversations, especially if past traumas or unaddressed issues are part of the picture.

As my friend Jesse recently pointed out, expecting certain behaviors from people who may not be equipped to offer them is like trying to order a steak dinner at a fast-food restaurant—it's just not on the menu. While we may be able to offer grace and patience, we're not responsible for managing others' emotions, especially when it comes to deeply held beliefs.

With that in mind, I hope the following advice serves as a helpful guide for those moments when meaningful conversation is possible and family members are open to sharing perspectives. In reality, some of this advice might not work for many reasons, and if you're reading this and feeling triggered, please take care of yourself. Never put yourself in a situation where you feel unsafe. On the other hand, if your family is committed to healthy communication, here are some ideas to get you started.  

1. Lead with Honesty and Openness

The healthiest foundation for any conversation is one rooted in sincerity, free from ulterior motives. You can't control what other people think or believe. All you can do is be honest about what you believe. Learning to be honest with those you disagree with in a non-judgmental way is a discipline that takes practice and one that I'm still learning for myself. The best advice I can give you is this: 1. Let go of your expectations. If you share something with the expectation that they will accept you, agree with you, or change their minds, you're not only setting yourself up for disappointment, but your honesty might come across like it has an agenda. Anytime we're "honest" with the intent to change someone, it stops being about our honesty and more about the agenda, no matter how hard we try to mask it. Let go of your expectations and focus on speaking your truth. 2. Be clear, concise, and kind. This remains the best advice for any heightened or tense conversation. The more clear, concise, and kind you can be, the more opportunities you will have for ongoing conversations. When we're ambiguous, long-winded, and unkind, there is a significant risk of escalating things, and in the end, escalation will produce the opposite results we want. Escalation destroys connection, whereas being clear, concise, and kind encourages connection. 3. Remain positive. Express your excitement for the time together instead of only acknowledging potential differences. This not only shares your viewpoint but also subtly encourages family members to reflect on how they might contribute to a positive environment. Bring everyone's focus back to what you're really there for: connection. Remind the family that, in spite of different beliefs, you're excited to spend time together because family goes beyond these divisions. 

2. Set Clear Boundaries

You can't change someone's mind, and you certainly can't fix anyone's problems by yourself. All you can do is set healthy boundaries. This might look 100 different ways, whether it's being intentional about how much time you spend with your family or the topics you're willing to discuss. Mentioning boundaries shouldn't feel like setting ultimatums. When boundaries are used in a threatening way, it will have the opposite effect you're hoping for. Instead of saying, "We need to avoid talking about politics, or I'll stop visiting," you could say, "I'm happy to talk about politics if it feels constructive, but if it turns heated, I may step away to keep the peace." It's okay to advocate for yourself and do what you need to take care of yourself without leaning into ultimatums.  

Healthy boundaries are the key to self-care. They require refusing to ignore the things that cause you pain. While there are times when it's best to avoid conversations, it's healthier to get things out into the open when possible. 

In fact, sometimes, trying to avoid tension can amplify it, so be willing to name the elephant in the room. And remember, because it can’t be repeated often enough, be clear, concise, and kind. You can say something like, "I know we see some things differently, but my hope is we can keep it light or shift topics if it starts to feel too personal for anyone." Giving permission to feel uncomfortable can go a long way toward relieving tension in your family. 

3. Remember: It's Okay To Sit This One Out

Sometimes, preserving your well-being means deciding not to attend a family gathering—or to only attend for a limited amount of time. It's not an easy choice, but it can be a necessary one. If you feel emotionally unprepared for the conversations or the environment, it's okay to say, "I need to sit this one out." There is nothing wrong with taking time to process, recharge, and protect your mental health. You might consider letting your family know it's not about a lack of love but about self-care, but that depends entirely on what you think they are able to "hear." Or you could offer a follow-up plan, such as scheduling a phone call or a smaller get-together when emotions aren't running as high. Or if you're worried about repercussions, I think it can be healthy to provide a simple excuse for why you can't come—or why you have to leave early. 

Family relationships are complex, and every situation is different. The best you can do is take care of yourself, get advice from those you trust, and keep everything kind.

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Exploring the Divides: Empathy for Rural America's Justified Anger

In this article and podcast conversation, we explore the deep divides and shared humanity within rural Appalachia, reflecting on the economic struggles, cultural pride, and systemic neglect that shape the region’s political identity. Drawing from a firsthand encounter with a "Trump Parade," the discussion challenges stereotypes and critiques both the right's exploitative promises and the left's disconnect from rural values. We delve into the paradoxes of faith, politics, and community, calling for empathy and a Christlike approach to seeing God’s image in others. You can read or listen to the full article below and listen to the podcast for an engaging conversation, unpacking these themes further.

Exploring the Divides: Empathy for Rural America's Justified Anger

Written by Matt Fratczak
Edited by Joe Graves

The weekend before the election, I drove through rural Appalachia, from Lewisburg, WV, to Rainelle, a small industrial town. Unknowingly, I found myself in front of a "Trump Train" stretching behind me for miles. Along the route, people with Trump/MAGA merchandise, “F-Biden” flags, beat-up trucks, and four-wheelers lined the road, waving, honking, and greeting each other in solidarity. They were there to show support and to vent their frustrations with the political establishment.

Curious, I pulled over in Rupert, WV and asked an elderly couple what was happening. The woman, petite and over 70 with white permed hair, softly explained that a “Trump Parade” was coming through. She smiled as she proudly stretched out her large MAGA flag across her vehicle. 

When we think of the recent presidential elections, undoubtedly strong emotions quickly come bubbling to the surface.  For some, it evoked pride and hope; for others, it brought despair or disbelief. I’ll be honest and say that I fall into the latter category. As a family medicine physician living in rural Appalachia (people living here pronounce it "Apple-atch-ya" as in I threw an "Apple-atch-ya"), I see this struggle daily. My wife and I, also a physician, are raising our children here in southern West Virginia, a region rich in history and culture but steeped in poverty.

This area is rural and economically strained, with poverty rates over 20%. In Rupert, WV, where I stopped along the parade route, the poverty rate is an astonishing 43.5%. Coal, the backbone of many families’ livelihoods, is part of the cultural fabric here. This plays a part in West Virginia being among the most dangerous states to work in, with alarming fatality rates. Investment in public services is shockingly low. Schools struggle, healthcare access is limited, and nearly every family has been touched by the drug epidemic and overdoses. 

Water quality is another critical issue—many counties have health-based violations under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Hauling water in the back of pick up trucks is not uncommon practice here, as well-water is unreliable and can be unsafe. Two of my 3 neighbors haul water for domestic use, making trips every few days. I think it is fair to say inequity here is equitable. Everyone feels the disadvantage on some level, although some much more severely than others. I have not even touched on the problems of unemployment and a myriad of other issues.

These challenges can feel overwhelming.

Driving away from the Trump supporters, I felt disheartened that this is where people have placed their hope and anger. I felt sad that the perceived political savior of their circumstances is a (failed) New York City businessman, real estate mogul, and overall narcissistic, billionaire Capito-Fascist. I have little doubt this man has zero concern for exploited Appalachians. How can the rural people I interact with on a daily basis—who I would describe as kind, charitable, humble, and caring for their immediate neighbor—support Donald Trump? And yet here we are, lined out on the streets to demonstrate support and express collective anger. 

Recently, I read a Facebook post that mentioned the “uneducated rural working class”, faulting them for Trump’s reelection. I’ve seen many others reflect similar sentiments.  I  have to wonder if these posts often imply the inferiority of “simple” and “ignorant country folk". A prejudice I wholeheartedly stand against. 

Maybe the answer goes back to the fact that "uneducated" rural voters have a good reason to be angry? Economic and social neglect has left these communities feeling abandoned. Coal remains a proud legacy here; during WWII, it was essential to America’s efforts, and the national reliance on coal is not forgotten. It can not be overstated how much pride there is in coal and those who mine it. If you’re unfamiliar with this, check out the PBS documentary “King Coal.” Coal in some communities has the same level of loyalty as college football teams have in major cities. So when clean energy is promoted without clear alternatives for these communities, it’s unsurprising that residents are resistant. Imagine a political party that built its platform on removing the local college football team? Would there be any protest?

 I don’t believe Trump’s support of coal is altruistic, but I also wonder if progressives have not only failed to provide viable paths forward, but have also misunderstood the values and legacy of the voters they hope to reach.

As much as Trump has won their favor, I fear that progressives have pushed them away. 

A 2021 research paper concluded, "that political conservatives are significantly more charitable than liberals at an overall level.” Other studies have determined that both liberal and conservative urban and suburban areas are nearly equivalent in their opposition to low-income housing developments in their immediate area. Yet, it is rural (and thus typically conservative) areas that tend to have the most diverse socioeconomic interactions, while big cities (and thus typically liberal) tend to be the most socioeconomically segregated communities. Both sides have their hypocrisy.

Please do not misunderstand, I have met both urban and rural individuals who seem to reflect God’s heart in how they live, along with urban and rural people who spew hate. It’s complicated and we can’t generalize. My goal here isn’t to contribute to the generalizations, but to challenge the assumptions we make about people, on both sides of the aisle. 

Are there underlying socio-economic issues in rural communities and willful, systemic neglect from our current political structure that have marginalized these voters? Yes.

Have the seemingly arrogant and uncaring attitudes prevalent in progressive circles toward rural Americans made them unsupportable by those who would most benefit from their policies? Also, yes. 

But did Jesus take the greatest issue with followers of the Pharisees or the Pharisees themselves? The answer is obvious. .

I wish to be clear that my opposition is against misguided beliefs and hateful notions, not the ordinary people who hold them. I find the so-called "Christian" support and worship of Donald Trump deeply troubling. At times I would go as far as to say it’s idolatry, and find Trump’s rhetoric a desecration of God's love and God’s justice. I hope to see a rapid end to the decidedly anti-Christian “Christio-Nationalism” that is part of the far-right ideology. As Jesus himself said, “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only” (Luke 4:8).

But I also want to invite us to see God’s image in the people we talk about. 

I have recently been focused on the scriptural contradictions (at first glance) in the teachings of Jesus, both compared against Paul, the Old Testament, and at times seemingly Jesus himself. I’m wondering if these contradictions are where we find God and truth. We find something that is known and unknown, overtly simple and yet unfathomably nuanced. 

We thirst for righteousness yet are called to be meek. 

We follow Jesus who was fully human yet fully divine. 

Perhaps, thinking about our relationship with our neighbors should be no different, embracing the paradox of human experience. I wonder if it’s only in that tension—and even paradox—that we are most likely to find a way forward.

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Life is a Storm by Nello Jennings

In this episode of Blank Page, I share a raw and honest conversation with Nello, whose powerful poem, Life is a Storm (available below and on the podcast), captures the resilience required to weather life’s fiercest challenges. Nello opens up about his personal experiences with violence and its deep impact on families, offering wisdom and hope for those navigating their own storms. His story is a profound reminder of why the work of the Columbus Violence Reduction Fund is so crucial in creating safer, stronger communities. Listen in as Nello’s journey inspires us to face life’s struggles with courage and find hope in the midst of pain.

Life’s a Storm

By Nello Jennings


Life’s a storm.

One minute, calm.

Then boom!—the next, 

You’re being knocked off course, 

Just trying to stay afloat.

I’ve been there.

More funerals,

Than weddings.

Life doesn’t just bruise you—

It tattoos you.

The pain,

Leaves a mark. 

Like fresh ink—

On dry skin.

I carry that pain with me—

My Uncle Dex, 

My Friends Terrence and Devonte. 

Their absences—

Are felt present, 

Every day.

That pain—

Doesn’t just disappear—

Or fade away. 

So, what do you do?

Do you let it weaken you—

Or do you let it strengthen you?

Cus once— 

You’ve weathered one storm.

You start learning,

How to face the next storm.

That pain, 

It shapes you.

It can make you stronger, 

Strong enough to stand tall.

And the truth— 

The truth is,

Pain teaches:

Pain teaches us, 

That storms,

Don’t last forever.

The Rain,

Will start to clear.

The Winds,

Begin to settle.

And eventually, 

The Sun breaks through.


Then you’re faced with a choice:

Do you stay stuck,

In the wreckage of your past?

Or do you grab the wheel of your destiny,

And steer towards a better future?

A future of change.

And change? 

It’s tough.

It’s like a butterfly—

A butterfly doesn’t wake up and fly.

It starts in a cocoon—

A place that’s uncomfortable,

But necessary.

That struggle,

Is part of the process.

And in the process of growth, 

You must shed the old you.

And like the cocoon, 

Community is there,

To hold us when times get hard.

It’s the support we need to break free,

In order to become who we’re meant to be.

You want to fly?

You’ve got to shed the skin of your past

Lean on community.

Change doesn’t have to start big.

Sometimes, it’s just small steps—

It might not seem like much—

Like a bus pass—

But that bus pass?

It’s a ticket—

A ticket to opportunity. 

A step forward.

And the more steps you take,

The more—

You’ll feel your wings,

Begin to unfold.

We’re not meant to,

Only survive—

We are meant to soar.

We are meant to be restored, 

We’re meant to rebuild, 

We are meant to rise from the ashes,

We are meant to spread our wings into a new existence—

An existence of—

Possibility and purpose.

Let’s defy the odds,

Of who we once thought we were,

And flourish in the belief of—

Who we can become.

Because the storm—

the storm has passed.

The skies are open.

And it’s time to,


Spread your wings, 

To fly.

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#GivingTuesday: 3 Things to Avoid & 3 Creative Alternatives

Here’s the problem with #GivingTuesday, and it's important that we start here, before we get into some practical and creative ideas. 

Giving Tuesday, a movement started by Carlo Lorenzo Garcia in 2011 and amplified by Henry Timms in 2012, encourages generosity following the frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s a noble idea—an international call for charitable giving. But as impactful as it’s been (to the tune of $3.1 billion last year), there’s something about it that feels like an afterthought, almost like “crumbs” after the feasts of consumerism. 

It reminds me of the story in the bible where the woman goes and sits at Jesus’ feet begging for a miracle… Read more

Listen to the podcast episode inspired by this article or keep scrolling to read the article.
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Here’s the problem with #GivingTuesday, and it's important that we start here, before we get into some practical and creative ideas. 

Giving Tuesday, a movement started by Carlo Lorenzo Garcia in 2011 and amplified by Henry Timms in 2012, encourages generosity following the frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s a noble idea—an international call for charitable giving. But as impactful as it’s been (to the tune of $3.1 billion last year), there’s something about it that feels like an afterthought, almost like “crumbs” after the feasts of consumerism. 

It reminds me of the story in the bible where the woman goes and sits at Jesus’ feet begging for a miracle (Matthew 15:21-28). She wanted her daughter to be healed! Jesus’ response is problematic; honestly he isn’t very nice. 

This is my wife's least favorite story and I understand why. In this story, Jesus looks like a jerk.

Yet, the woman faces the rudeness of Jesus and advocates for herself, arguing that “even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” 

In the end, Jesus listens. She’d got her miracle, even in the face of marginalization. 

There’s more to this story than we can unpack here, but I kind of like the fact that there’s a story in the Gospels that lets someone other than Jesus be the hero. This woman, who would have been marginalized and discarded, used her grit and snark to advocate for herself. She was shut down, but nevertheless she persisted.

In a backwards sort of way, the fact that there’s a story like this in a collection of stories mostly about Jesus—the fact that Jesus would let someone else look good at his expense, in a society where that didn’t have to be the case—makes me like Jesus even more. I wonder if that’s the point. (I hope to apply the same backwards engineering in some of my suggestions, so hold onto that.)

The best nonprofits out there are uplifting and empowering people like this woman; people hurting and in need of a miracle, and the best nonprofits know that the people they serve—not their CEO, donors, or staff—are the true heroes of the story. 

If you want to increase giving, stop making your organization the hero of the story. 

The problem is that in the current climate, small nonprofits struggle to stand out in the noisy crowd of GivingTuesday.

Which reminds me of another persistent woman in scripture, who pushed through the crowds to touch Jesus’ cloak (Mark 5:25-34). Sometimes it feels like breaking through the noise is a miracle in itself, especially in the noise of #GivingTuesday. And yet, pushing through the noise can lead to remarkable outcomes. 

It’s no wonder Jesus tells the parable of a persistent woman. Jesus clearly admired women who persisted, and encouraged all of us to do the same.

I know many people who serve nonprofits and churches, and raising the funds to do the work is hard, but don’t give up. Keep going, especially when the systems in this world make it feel like all you are allowed to have are a few crumbs.

Be persistent, and when necessary, use your grit and snark.

If you read nothing else, hold onto that.

So back to GivingTuesday. Below, I’ll share some things to avoid, and a few ideas that you might not have considered already.

Three Things to Avoid

1. Don’t Guilt-Trip Donors

People want to give—they really do. Tactics that rely on guilt, though, often miss the mark because they are rooted in the false narrative that people don’t enjoy giving. Messages that highlight the positive impact of donations are more effective. GivingTuesday’s own Lookback Report confirms this, emphasizing that meaningful messages drive engagement more than guilt:

“Messages around giving out of guilt don’t resonate as much as messages that connect people to a cause or issue and highlight the value of their contributions.” -GivingTuesday Lookback Report

If the story behind the gift feels powerful, people respond out of joy, not obligation.

2. Don’t Overlook “Unexpected” Donors

According to GivingTuesday, certain groups often get overlooked on Giving Tuesday:

  1. People Under 30

  2. People with lower income (<$50K household)

  3. Women who are employed full-time

  4. Men under the age of 30

Let me say this, and let me be very clear. Don’t take advantage of people. Period. Rich, poor, white, black, hurting, successful, male or female—don’t take advantage of people. And certainly don’t promise people that by giving something to your church or nonprofit, good will come back to them, as if giving is like buying a lottery ticket from God. It’s not. Giving is the gift. So, with that said, let me also say this, with  equal clarity: don’t look over people either. 

Being asked to make a donation, in America, is a sign of wealth and privilege. It’s seen as an honor, or even a status symbol. People with means want to be asked to give. And if this is true, what does that say about how we view young people, people with lower income, or women? Do you see where I’m going with this? Have we failed to reach out and ask them to give because we don’t think they have anything to offer? If so, what are we really saying here? 

Giving is an act of dignity, and you should never rob someone of that  dignity. 

Please, don’t take advantage of people,  guilt people, or promise people “God’s blessing” to get them to give, but also don’t insult people by leaving them out. 

I know from my own experience that those who have struggled in this world tend to be the most generous, which is backed up by research time and time again. In fact, it’s one of the most significant findings in the global GivingTuesday report from 2022: 

“The most inescapable insight is that although giving cultures vary widely from country to country, we consistently find the most generosity in less wealthy countries (i.e. those with lower Gross National Income per capita)” - GivingTuesday Report.

Inescapable, they said.  Those who have been through it know why giving matters. 

3. Don’t Limit Giving to Money Alone

Not everyone can donate financially, but many can give in other ways. Last year, 32% of GivingTuesday participants contributed through time, goods, or services. In fact, volunteers are often the most loyal supporters, staying engaged even when they can’t give financially, and when other givers back away, those who are volunteering are more likely to stay consistent. Of course they are! They can see the impact your organization is having and they want to make sure it continues. 

If you want someone to give, ask them to volunteer. 

On GivingTuesday, you might include a link to make monetary donations, but also include a sign up to volunteer, commit to pray, make an in-kind donation, or some other way of giving back that isn’t monetary but makes sense for your organization. The more options you provide, the more people you will be able to connect with.

Three Alternatives

If you have a long tradition of GivingTuesday and it usually brings in sufficient donations to make it worth your while, then keep doing it. There’s no need to fix something that isn’t broken. But, if you’re new, small, or if your org goes generally unnoticed, you might try some of these out-of-the-box ideas to grab people’s attention. 

1. Give Something Away

I know it’s a crazy idea, but what if on GivingTuesday you gave something away instead of asking people to give? Generosity inspires generosity. Instead of asking for donations, give something away to stand out from the crowd. I’ve seen this work in a lot of other settings with amazing results. 

Here are some ideas:

  • Set up at a laundromat or gas station, paying for services for an hour to surprise and delight those you serve.

  • Distribute $5 gift cards around town, inviting people to join in a fun scavenger hunt to find them. You might hide them in places that are significant to your mission or make it a game. 

  • Buy coffee for strangers in a cafĂ© as a gesture of kindness.

  • Sponsor a “Free Meal” Day at a Local Restaurant or Diner: Arrange with a local eatery to cover the cost of meals for a set period. This can be particularly meaningful in areas with food insecurity, giving people a warm meal and showing them they’re seen and valued.

  • Organize a “Pop-Up Shop” Free Store: Partner with a community center or church to set up a space offering free everyday essentials—such as toiletries, groceries, and winter clothing. Invite people in the community to take what they need, no questions asked.

  • Host a Book Giveaway: Set up a table with books outside a school, library, or community center, allowing people to take home a good read. Consider selecting books that align with your mission, this might be especially meaningful if you work in areas of social justice, advocacy, LGBTQ inclusion, ant-racism or similar “banned book” categories.

  • Arrange a Free Ride Day for Public Transit or Rideshare: Work with your city’s transit authority or a local rideshare company to cover the cost of rides for people who need a lif—or buy bus passes in bulk and give them away.. This could help individuals without reliable transportation get to work, appointments, or family.

  • Provide Free Pet Supplies at a Local Shelter: Partner with an animal shelter or pet supply store to provide free pet food, supplies, or grooming services for a day. This can be especially meaningful for individuals and families who rely on pets for companionship and emotional support.

This “reverse giving” approach could catch the eye of local media, drawing attention to your mission in a positive, fresh way. And at a time when trust in nonprofits is declining, these acts of generosity can foster goodwill and build stronger community bonds.

2. Encourage Donors to Give to Other Nonprofits

There’s nothing that shows your generosity more than encouraging people to give to someone else. This is especially good for churches who want to leverage GivingTuesday. Churches invite people to make a donation every week, so asking them to give on GivingTuesday can give the wrong impression, and only further perpetuate the idea that “all churches want are our money.” Instead, share some of the nonprofits you’d like them to support.

Here are some ideas: 

  • Highlight organizations that align with your mission, showing how a donation to these groups strengthens a shared vision. You can post personalized stories or anecdotes about each recommended nonprofit to make the suggestion feel intentional.

  • Work with other nonprofits to create a nonprofit trail or hop. You can create a map and those who visit all the locations along the nonprofit trail will get a free t-shirt or something similar. Each stop can include a brief explanation of the mission and give people a chance to learn more about important ministries. There can be a QR code at each location as well, for people to use to give. 

  • A similar idea could be used with bars or restaurants. Organize a pizza or beer crawl, and at each location, have one of the nonprofits you’re supporting set up to share about their work. Include brochures and a QR code to give, and if you can, get the restaurant to give a portion of the proceeds to the nonprofit located there. It will drive business, raise awareness, and build community. If you make it a fun competition, it could have an increased impact.

  • Feature a different nonprofit partner daily leading up to Giving Tuesday, showcasing a culture of generosity and community support.

This approach not only broadens support for other nonprofits but also reinforces your organization’s commitment to giving back, which can be especially meaningful to your supporters. Generous people want to give to organizations that model their values.

3. Create Your Own Giving Holiday

I was having lunch with the director of a small nonprofit on the Westside of Columbus. I told him I was going to write this article on GivingTuesday and asked if he was planning anything. He laughed, and said “the only way I’d do GivingTuesday is if I did it the day before.” 

He went on to explain how crowded that day is and how his little nonprofit can’t compete with the giant national orgs grabbing people’s attention. The best part of that conversation was that he almost apologized for this “radical” idea, as if it would make my article I was writing irrelevant. 

He didn't know that I had already written on two ideas more radical than this—one of which he ended up using!

If Giving Tuesday feels too crowded, why not start your own day of giving? A unique giving holiday can make a lasting impact and build excitement around your mission. I feel like this idea could be similar to “Christmas in July.” You could still have it on a Tuesday, but hold it in May instead. Or find another month, and hold it on a different day. 

To make this happen, here are some ideas you can consider:

  1. Define the Purpose and Theme: Choose a meaningful angle that sets your giving day apart.

  2. Pick a Strategic Date: Avoid crowded periods and consider linking your holiday to an organizational milestone or month/holiday that aligns with your mission.

  3. Promote in Advance: Generate excitement with a countdown and social media teasers to build momentum.

Creating a memorable and purpose-driven holiday can foster a strong sense of connection and community among supporters, turning a single event into an annual tradition. 

Final Thoughts

Rethinking Giving Tuesday can help break through the noise and turn a one-day “ask” into a moment of authentic, impactful connection. Whether it’s by surprising people with generosity, supporting other nonprofits, or crafting your own giving tradition, you can make Giving Tuesday a true reflection of your values—inviting people to join you in a mission of meaningful change.

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The 2024 Election Results: Understanding Our Grief and Finding a Way Forward

I struggle with anxiety. On a normal day, I take anxiety medication to keep my mind balanced. That’s on a normal day, when life is consistent and there aren’t monumental changes happening in the world; when I’m not sitting two hours in a dentist chair with a drill burning through my teeth.

The week before, I had chipped my tooth, right around a filling, and found out I needed a crown. I’ve gotten crowns before, and it never gets easier. Dentists make me anxious. This time, my dentist offered me anxiety medicine for the procedure. The fact that she offered it goes to show just how anxious I become at the Dentist’s office. 

I said “yes!” and for $9.99 at my local pharmacy, I took some medication that made me both drowsy and very chill

It just so happens that my appointment for the crown was yesterday—election day… Read more

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I struggle with anxiety. On a normal day, I take anxiety medication to keep my mind balanced. That’s on a normal day, when life is consistent and there aren’t monumental changes happening in the world; when I’m not sitting two hours in a dentist chair with a drill burning through my teeth.

The week before, I had chipped my tooth, right around a filling, and found out I needed a crown. I’ve gotten crowns before, and it never gets easier. Dentists make me anxious. This time, my dentist offered me anxiety medicine for the procedure. The fact that she offered it goes to show just how anxious I become at the Dentist’s office. 

I said “yes!” and for $9.99 at my local pharmacy, I took some medication that made me both drowsy and very chill

It just so happens that my appointment for the crown was yesterday—election day! The fact that I was on extra-strength anxiety meds the day of the election seemed to be the kind of coincidence I often ascribe to God’s provision. 

It helped. 

But then it wore off, and here we are—it’s 4am, I’m wide awake…. to an election that seems all too clear.

Google search screenshot at 3:58am, Nov. 6th, 2024

If you know me, you know how I feel about the election results.

Maybe you feel the same way: discouraged, anxious, or even afraid.

As I think about those who identify as LGBTQ+, New Americans, African Americans, women, progressives—and pretty much anyone who isn’t sympathetic to male-centric, white nationalism—I can’t help but feel my heart break. 

Has all the progress we made for nothing? 

We could have had our first female president!

Hate will become our national motto!

It feels more and more like our country has a toxic relationship with an abusive partner. 

What the f*&k is going on!?

In moments like these, I want to yell,  get angry, refuse to accept it, give into despair, and argue my way to a better world—and pretty much every other stage of grief.

In some ways, maybe that’s what we need—the stages of grief. If you’re on social media or read the news, you’ll see all of these stages play out if significant ways.

Stages of Grief

1. Denial: In moments of shock or disbelief, it's natural to feel like the results aren't real or that they won’t have a lasting impact. Give yourself space to sit with this initial reaction, and let your mind adjust to what has happened. You might feel numb or struggle to accept the reality of the situation, but acknowledging the impact is the first step. Talking to friends or journaling about your thoughts can help ground you.

2. Anger: As reality sinks in, you may feel angry or frustrated. These emotions are valid and can be channeled constructively. Rather than letting anger consume you, consider using it as motivation to seek change. Engage in healthy expressions of anger, such as speaking with friends, joining advocacy groups, or focusing on causes that align with your values. Expressing anger mindfully can prevent it from building up inside and clouding your perspective.

3. Bargaining: When anger fades, it’s common to start bargaining, hoping for a different outcome or thinking, "Maybe if I do this, things will change." Recognize that while this is a natural response, it’s not a solution. Instead, use this stage to clarify your values and focus on what you can control. Focusing on small, meaningful actions that align with your principles can bring a sense of agency, helping to center you amid uncertainty.

4. Depression: Many experience deep sadness when they realize the outcome is unchangeable. In this stage, prioritize mental health. Talk to a counselor, reach out to friends, or practice creative outlets like art or music to process your feelings. Practicing mindfulness can be a powerful tool in managing stress and anxiety. Simple techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and grounding exercises can help you stay present and reduce feelings of panic. Remember, the goal isn’t to suppress or dismiss your emotions but to allow yourself to process them in a way that is healthy.

5. Acceptance: This stage isn’t about being content with the situation but about accepting the reality enough to move forward with purpose. Acceptance here is about grounding yourself in the present, understanding the results, and recognizing your place within it.

While I know that’s what I need, the idea that I would someday be able to “accept” the unacceptable makes me want to throw up. That’s why they are stages that look a lot more like a ball of tangled yarn than a straight line.. 

You can’t will your way to the end.

This is not passive acceptance as if we’re expected to be happy about it. It’s about reaching an acknowledgment of reality.

In an election that was built on a total rejection of reality, accepting reality might be our only antidote. This kind of acceptance allows us to recognize what is, even if it isn't what we hoped for, and equips us to respond with resilience and purpose rather than resignation.

From this place, we can start to think constructively about how to make a difference.

What stage are you on?

I’m in no place to look for acceptance.

I need more time.

If that’s you, that’s ok.

Take your time.

​​In Prophetic Lament, Soong-Chan Rah describes lament as an essential, honest expression of sorrow and pain before God, a practice deeply rooted in the Bible, especially in the book of Lamentations. He argues that lament is not merely about personal sorrow; it’s a communal act that acknowledges injustice and brokenness in the world. How appropriate this is today! It’s not about how I feel, but how we feel together.

In his words, “Lament in the Bible is a liturgical response to the reality of suffering and engages God in the context of pain and suffering… Lament recognizes the struggles of life and cries out for justice against existing injustices” (Prophetic Lament, p. 45). This form of prayer allows us to bring our grief and frustrations to God, creating a space for honest dialogue about the world’s suffering and our role in addressing it.

Yes, we have a role in addressing it—when we’re ready.

Here are a few more ideas for moving towards acceptance, so we can bring about change together. There’s nothing original here, but I hope they serve as a helpful reminder, like they have for me.

Stay Informed but Set Boundaries

In times of uncertainty, it’s natural to want to stay informed about the latest news and developments. However, it’s equally important to set boundaries to protect your mental health. Constantly reading distressing news can lead to anxiety and burnout. Try limiting how often you check the news each day and avoid social media if it’s triggering more fear than hope.

Consider curating sources that offer reliable, balanced information and that uplift positive stories of resilience, justice, and hope. Knowing when to step back and take a breather doesn’t mean you’re disengaged; it means you’re choosing a sustainable way to stay informed while taking care of yourself.

I recently gave a talk on this, alongside my friend, Jesse, a licensed Social Worker. In this talk, I share some sobering truth about the pervasiveness of news and how it impacts our mental health and we offer some healthy practices to try. You can listen to that talk here.

Focus on What You Can Control

In times like these, it’s easy to feel powerless. However, focusing on things you can control can help restore a sense of agency. Take small steps that align with your values and contribute to the causes you care about. Whether it’s donating to organizations, volunteering, or supporting a local initiative, every action counts.

If you’re in a position to help others, consider supporting vulnerable individuals in your community. As our friend Fred Rogers once said, 

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping'

Be a helper. Offer a safe space, be an advocate, and be a reliable source of encouragement. Empowering others and being there for people who need you most can foster a shared sense of resilience and hope.

Here is a prayer that has helped many people reconcile what they can and cannot do in tough situations: 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Embrace Community and Connection

When things are heavy, there is strength in the community. Being part of a supportive community doesn’t just lift you up; it can also help you realize that you are not in this alone. A strong community can provide encouragement, resources, and shared experiences that reinforce resilience.

I’m so grateful for our community at Cityview Church. To help us process the election, we created an online group with live chat. There wasn’t a lot of activity, but the few posts that came through were encouraging and filled with hope and wisdom, and it helped me not feel alone. If you’re looking for a place to make a difference and feel connected, you’re always welcome. 

You might also consider connecting with advocacy organizations or groups that support LGBTQ+ rights, immigration, Black Lives Matter, or women’s rights. Joining these communities not only offers solidarity but can also open avenues to actively participate in efforts to bring about positive change. Even small, consistent efforts as part of a community can have lasting effects.

Advocate for Change in Your Sphere of Influence

Not everyone can be on the front lines of advocacy, but everyone has a sphere of influence—whether it’s your family, friends, workplace, or community. Start conversations, share resources, and use your voice to promote understanding, empathy, and justice within these spaces. Sometimes, the most impactful change happens close to home, where you can create meaningful dialogue and advocate for inclusivity and acceptance.

Even small actions like reaching out to a family member, hosting a community discussion, or participating in local organizations can have ripple effects. Creating a more just and accepting world begins with conversations, actions, and changes in the spaces where we have influence.

Moving Forward with Purpose

The path ahead may feel daunting, but hope and purpose can be found in community, self-care, and small acts of courage and kindness. Each day, you have the chance to show up for yourself, your community, and the values you hold dear. Together, we can navigate these times with resilience, standing up for what matters and working to create a more inclusive, compassionate world.

You are not alone. We’re in this together. 

Take heart. The journey toward justice and equality continues, and you are part of it. We can’t give up.

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